Meals are $4-12 per item. Click on product details to see price, ingredients, and nutritional information.


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Protein + Immunity Smoothies

Staying on top of your game has never been easier with our decadent protein smoothies. Just add mylk. $7/item.

Vanilla Nut Butter
Regular price ($7)
  • Carbs 35g
  • fat 22g
  • protein 16g
  • calories 370
  • Net Carbs 27g
Think: your favorite vanilla milkshake, elevated to healthy status (without surrendering any of its delicious, sweet taste). We combine banana, caramel-like medjool dates and a spoonful of almond butter to create this rich breakfast treat. Don’t let the creamy texture fool you: the smoothie is packed with electrolytes from banana and dates, complete proteins, and healthful fats to keep you satisfied for hours.

Vanilla Nut Butter

Dark Cacao Almond
Regular price ($7)
  • Carbs 43g
  • fat 15g
  • protein 16g
  • calories 330
  • Net Carbs 30g
Chocolate for breakfast never tasted better—or more nutritious. Our eye-opening cacao almond butter smoothie delivers protein, iron, and other liquid nourishment along with a shot of energizing, antioxidant-rich cacao. Banana and dates add natural sweetness and simple sugars to drive your performance, while fiber and healthful fats help to keep you satisfied for hours. Added bonus? The smoothie provides a small boost of naturally occuring caffeine from cacao, which makes it a healthful alternative to your usual coffee fix.

Dark Cacao Almond

Cool Mint Chip
Regular price ($7)
  • Carbs 24g
  • fat 3g
  • protein 11g
  • calories 150
  • Net Carbs 19g
Did someone say dessert? Our mint chip smoothie is the next best thing—or better, thanks to an irresistibly creamy texture, classic mint chip flavor, and tons of health benefits. We combine bananas with spinach and cauliflower—yes, cauliflower!—as the base of this fruit-and-vegetable fueled power shake. (You’ll never taste the veggies, but your body will reap their benefits all the same.) We add mint leaves, antioxidant-rich cacao nibs and powder, vanilla, and caramel-sweet medjool dates to elevate the flavors of this treat-like breakfast smoothie. And because we like to keep your plant-protein needs covered, we add a pinch of our signature pea protein, which is rich in branched chain amino acids to fuel your morning workout.

Cool Mint Chip

Pumpkin Spice
Regular price ($7)
  • Carbs 32g
  • fat 14g
  • protein 12g
  • calories 270
  • Net Carbs 24g
We like to think of our pumpkin spice smoothie as being autumn’s answer to the infamous latte, but this delicious shake delivers health benefits at any time of the year. We blend up pumpkin, banana, pumpkin seeds, and almond butter to create an exceptionally filling, protein-rich drink. As always, the smoothie is naturally sweetened with electrolyte-rich medjool dates. Cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and allspice give the smoothie a characteristic pumpkin pie flavor without any of the saturated fat or refined sugar. Best of all, it delivers on a host of nutrients, including zinc, Vitamin A, and B-vitamins, to energize and support your busy lifestyle.

Pumpkin Spice


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